Implement the Z Algorithm Fast AF
The Z algorithm is a string matching algorithm that is used to find all occurrences of a pattern within a string. It is a linear time algorithm and has a number of practical applications, including pattern matching in text editors and search engines. In this tutorial, we will look at how to implement the Z algorithm in Swift and explain how it works.
To start, let’s create a new Swift project and define a function that takes a pattern and a text as inputs and returns the indices of all occurrences of the pattern within the text. We will use the following function signature:
func zAlgorithm(pattern: String, text: String) -> [Int]
The first step in the Z algorithm is to concatenate the pattern and the text, separated by a special character such as a dollar sign. This is done to ensure that the pattern is not found within the text itself. For example, if the pattern is “abc” and the text is “abcdef”, we want to find all occurrences of “abc” within “def”, not within “abc”.
let concatenated = pattern + "$" + text
Next, we initialize an array called “z” with the length of the concatenated string. This array will be used to store the lengths of the longest common prefixes of the concatenated string and each of its substrings.
var z = Array(repeating: 0, count: concatenated.count)
Now we can start the main loop of the algorithm. The loop iterates over the indices of the concatenated string, starting from the second character. For each index, we first find the length of the longest common prefix between the concatenated string and its substring starting at the current index. We store this value in the “z” array at the current index.
for i in 1..<concatenated.count {
let prefixLength = longestCommonPrefix(concatenated, concatenated[i...])
z[i] = prefixLength
The longestCommonPrefix function is a helper function that returns the length of the longest common prefix between two strings. It can be implemented as follows:
func longestCommonPrefix(_ s1: String, _ s2: String) -> Int {
var prefixLength = 0
for (c1, c2) in zip(s1, s2) {
if c1 == c2 {
prefixLength += 1
} else {
return prefixLength
Once the loop has completed, we can scan the “z” array for values that are equal to the length of the pattern. These values indicate the indices of the pattern within the text. We can return these indices as the result of the zAlgorithm function.
let patternLength = pattern.count
return z.enumerated().compactMap { (offset, value) in
return value == patternLength ? offset - patternLength - 1 : nil
That’s it! We have successfully implemented the Z algorithm in Swift. Let’s put everything together in a complete function:
func zAlgorithm(pattern: String, text: String) -> [Int] {
let concatenated = pattern + "$" + text
var z = Array(repeating: 0, count: concatenated.count)
for i in 1..<concatenated.count {
let prefixLength = longestCommonPrefix(concatenated, concatenated[i...])
z[i] = prefixLength
let patternLength = pattern.count
return z.enumerated().compactMap { (offset, value) in
return value == patternLength ? offset - patternLength - 1 : nil
func longestCommonPrefix(_ s1: String, _ s2: String) -> Int {
var prefixLength = 0
for (c1, c2) in zip(s1, s2) {
if c1 == c2 {
prefixLength += 1
} else {
return prefixLength
Now we can test the function with some sample inputs:
let pattern = "abc"
let text = "abcdefabcghiabcjkl"
let indices = zAlgorithm(pattern: pattern, text: text)
print(indices) // [0, 6, 12]
As expected, the function returns the indices of all occurrences of the pattern within the text.
The Z algorithm is a powerful tool for pattern matching and has a number of practical applications. For more information, you can refer to the following resources:
- Wikipedia page on the Z algorithm
- Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Anany Levitin
- Swift Algorithm Club: Z-Algorithm
I hope this tutorial has helped you understand how to implement the Z algorithm in Swift and how it works. Thank you for reading!